Moveon.Org Targets Pro-Surge Democrat

Washington Democratic Congressman Brian Baird is being targeted by the George Soros-funded Moveon.Org following his statements that the surge in Iraq is working and that General Petreaus deserves more time to try and secure as much of the country as possible:

Rep. Brian Baird’s (D-Wash.) recent conversion on the Iraq war is beginning to affect more than the national dialogue.

On Wednesday, liberal group announced an ad campaign against the congressman in his own district. Baird recently returned from a trip to Iraq and reversed his position on a withdrawal timetable, citing military progress in the four-year-old war.

MoveOn is calling the move a “flip-flop” and says it goes against the views of his constituents. The ad does not make specific reference to Baird’s conversion. Instead, it features a soldier who served in Iraq talking about the amount of resistance troops encountered and at the end asks viewers to tell Baird to bring the troops home.

The soldier in the ad served in Iraq in 2003 and 2004 and describes a scene from that time, long before the current troop increase that Baird has cited as the reason for military progress.
Typical bit of dishonesty from the group. And their statement on the ads shows that Moveon has yet to figure out how representative democracy works:
“Congressman Baird’s new position, in favor of keeping our troops in an unnwinnable civil war in Iraq, is out of line with the majority of his district and the nation,” said MoveOn's Nita Chaudhary in a statement. “Voters don’t want to continue down a failed path. They want representatives who will stand up to President Bush’s reckless policy and bring our troops home.”
Baird recently held a Town Hall meeting where he was lambasted by representatives of Moveon.Org who had packed the hall with their supporters. At that meeting, Baird made it clear that he was only dealing with the situation in Iraq as it is today. A withdrawal would harm American interests greatly - something not even brought up by Moveon.Org in its ad.

In effect, Baird is being a realist. And this has made him a target of the far left.

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