Romney Tops Clinton In 'Anyone But' Poll

My friend Pat Curley of the excellent Brainster's Blog reports on a new Rasmussen Poll that asked voters who they defintely would never vote for.

And the winner is...Mitt Romney by a hair:

The Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 44% of Likely Voters would definitely vote against Romney if he’s on the ballot in 2008. That’s a point higher than the 43% who would definitely vote against Clinton. Only one other possible candidate surpassed Clinton in this category all year (former House Speaker Newt Gingrich who is not considered a candidate at this time).


On a net basis (core support minus core opposition) Obama comes out on top at minus 6 (29 for, 35 against). He is followed by Clinton at minus 10 (33 for, 43 against), Giuliani at minus 11 (26 for, 37 against), and Thompson at minus 13 (20 for, 33 against). These four candidates also lead the polls for their own party nomination.
Romney comes in dead last in the net support minus opposition category with a staggering 28% fewer voters who are committed to his candidacy compared to those who are unalterably opposed.

What is even more troubling for Romney is that fully 1 in 4 Republicans would never vote for him. Recall that Bush squeaked by Kerry in 2004 when getting nearly 90% of the GOP vote. I think most observers would say that if those numbers were to hold up, there is no way Romney could win an election contest against any Democrat.

One wonders what would happen to the country if the race became a Romney-Clinton affair.

Would anyone even bother to vote?
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