Torturing cats on Hamas TV for kids

Palestinian Media Watch today has photos of a white kitten being swung around by its tail on Hamas-TV.

"The latest episode of a popular Hamas children's TV show features its main character cruelly swinging cats by their tails and throwing stones at caged lions in the Gaza zoo. ... The episode of Tomorrow's Pioneers features a costumed adult playing Nahool the Bee at the zoo, tormenting domestic cats and lions. The lions become so enraged by the abuse that one of them repeatedly tries to attack Nahool."
How will the animal-loving Left will find an excuse for this behavior? What Hamas is trying to teach little Palestinian kids in its TV audience is anybody's guess. The uses of sadism? How to be heartless and cruel, as practice for killing Israeli kittens? Or just blood sport entertainment?

Whatever it is, the Hamas TV show is utterly disgusting by any civilized standards.

James Lewis blogs at

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