Al Gore, the Next Bob Fosse?

No need to look over your shoulder just yet, Pacino.  Last night's Emmy did not give Al Gore his second major entertainment award but only his first.  Sure, the AP joined Reuters and other overly eager sources in misstating that fact:

"So he wasn't elected president. Big deal. How many other presidential candidates have an Emmy and an Oscar to brag about?"
But the inconvenient truth (Hat tip: Noel Sheppard) is that, while Gore was, indeed, invited to the stage by director Davis Guggenheim when their woefully miscategorized sci-fi disaster flick won the 2007 Academy Award for Documentary Feature, it was the director who earned the Oscar, not the wooden actor.  

And, while that's probably a minor distinction to those who continue to believe that Gore also won the 2000 presidential election, here on feverish Earth, he won neither.

Given this penchant for fantasy all GoreBots seem to share, here's one -- not so far fetched -- they're sure to love.

Picture, if you will, my little greenies:
Rumors float about that Gore is actively seeking backers to breathe life into his most ambitious project to date -- Earth in the Balance - The Musical. And, before the mankind stinks pop-opera can find either a producer or director -- let alone a cast -- there's already early Tony buzz.
But it gets even better.
Sheryl Crow reportedly agrees to include her duets with Al singing the musical's key numbers, "Your SUV is Killing Me" and "Did you See Us in our Prius?" on her upcoming album.
Faster than you can say "the internal combustion engine is mankind's greatest enemy," euphoric insiders predict that the Grammy this all but assures Gore (on top of his Emmy and Tony) will deservedly put him in the rare company of such entertainment giants as Leonard Bernstein, James Earl Jones and Bette Midler.

Of course, should the play be optioned by Hollywood's eco-elite - move over, Bob Fosse!

And, why not? 

After all, can anyone really deny what a uniquely talented story-teller and showman Al Gore is?

As to choreography, do you have any idea how many people he’s sold on Anthropogenic Global Warming by dancing around science?

Now that’s fancy footwork.

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