Columbia Dean: We'd invite Hitler

I really don't have much problem with Columbia University in New York inviting Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to speak. As a supporter of pretty much unfettered academic freedom, I believe if the school thinks the mystical Mr. Ahmadinejad has anything useful to say, by all means let him speak.

But I think I would draw
the line here:

“If Hitler were in the United States and he wanted a platform from which to speak he would have plenty of platforms to speak from in the United States. If he were willing to engage in a debate and a discussion, to be challenged by Columbia students and faculty, we would certainly invite him.” ((Link courtesty of Webloggin)
Hot Air has it just about right:
I have it in my head somehow that Dwight Eisenhower, when offered the opportunity to personally accept the surrender of a German general, refused. So unspeakably loathsome did he find the Nazis that he wouldn’t dignify them with his presence, even at the moment of triumph
There is acamedic freedom. And then there's academic idiocy. Thanks to the Dean at Columbia University for so carefully differentiating the two for us.
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