Communists threaten to cut support from India's ruling government

Things are not looking good for the pending and very important Indo-US nuclear and defense cooperation treaty.  Reuters, via the Washington Post, reports  that Prakash Karat, the chief of the Communist Party of India (Marxist) issued a clear ultimatum to Prime Minister Singh concerning the deal when he said,

"We won't be there to help this government conclude this agreement.  That's final."
The Communists make up the largest of the four leftist groups that provide a majority government for Singh.  So, if the Prime Minister goes ahead and implements the treaty, he would have to either continue as head of a minority government, or call elections before his term ends in May 2009.  Some analysts estimate that elections could take place as early as March of 2008, just as soon as the annual budget is submitted to Parliament. Karat put it simply, he said the government must not start talks with the IAEA -- a necessary pre-condition to certify the importation of US nuclear fuel and reactor technology -- if Singh wants communist support.

The left in the US and in India are showing  their true colors.  Their common ideology   confirms the alliance between Jihadis and the global communists and socialists.  Can prime Minister Singh remain steadfast in the face of open threats against his government?  Stay tuned.
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