Ellison's chutzpah

Following his appearance before a group advocating the murder of Jews, Rep. Keith Ellison has joined the bi-partisan Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS). Americans Against Hate reports:

Congressman Keith Ellison is touting on his website that he has been named to the bi-partisan Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism (CTFAS). This, after Ellison gave a speech in front of the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS-Minnesota), a group that propagates material on its website calling for the murder of Jews.

The Congressional Task Force on Anti-Semitism was founded through the Congressional Human Rights Caucus by Holocaust survivor, Congressman Tom Lantos. The group was
launched in the beginning of August. According to the Human Rights Caucus, "The Task Force's primary role is to bring to light specific cases of anti-Semitism and educate Members of Congress, world leaders and citizens about the horrors that these cases pose on society."

Last month, CTFAS invited U.S. Congressman from Minnesota, Keith Ellison, to join its group -- only three months after Ellison gave the
Keynote address to the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society, a group propagating the worst of anti-Semitism on its website, including calls for the murder of Jews. Some of the statements found on MAS-Minnesota's site include:

  • "The Holy Prophet (and through him the Muslims) has been reassured that he should not mind the enmity, the evil designs and the machinations of the Jews..."
  • "In view of the degenerate moral condition of the Jews and the Christians, the Believers have been warned not to make them their friends and confidants."
  • "If you gain victory over the men of Jews, kill them."
  • "May Allah destroy the Jews, because they used the graves of their prophets as places of worship."
A counter found on the homepage of the American Against Hate (AAH) website is keeping track of the number of days that Ellison has refused to condemn the Muslim American Society for spreading such hatred. It is currently at 89 days. AAH demands that CTFAS remove Congressman Ellison from its group for refusing to condemn MAS.

AAH Chairman Joe Kaufman stated, "It is highly offensive for a Congressional task force on anti-Semitism to allow a man that willingly speaks in front of anti-Semitic groups to be associated with its organization. CTFAS needs to end its relationship with Ellison immediately."

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