McCain to Protestor: 'We beat you yesterday, we'll beat you today, and we'll beat you tomorrow!'

John McCain's campaign for president may be faltering but he was a huge hit at an NRA meeting earlier today.

Just as McCain was talking about Iraq, a protestor burst in and interrupted him. After removing the disturber, McCain
said this:

"Well, my friends, we beat you yesterday," he said. "We'll beat you today . . . And we'll beat you tomorrow!"
The crowd - many of whom are angry with the Senator for his stance on gun control, rose up and gave him a standing ovation:
"I wouldn't vote for him for president," said Mark Dawkins, a patron NRA member from Winter Park, Fla. "I've felt that he has flip-flopped on the issues . . . But I agree with him on Iraq. The same people who come here and do this protest are the same people who would like to see our guns taken away from us."
Which just goes to prove that no matter what you think of John McCain as a Senator or candidate for president, there has not been a more steadfast supporter for the War in Iraq in the entire Congress.
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