Moveon.Org Switches Targets in New Ad

Different target; same slime. may be the GOP's secret weapon for the election of 2008. Their hysterical, exaggerated rhetorical smashes at opponents plays well among the nutcases on the left but repel decent people everywhere else.

Just last Monday, the group smeared General Petraeus with an ad that asked if his name shouldn't be "Betray-Us" because of what called his "lies" about Iraq.

Now the liberal group has set its sights on George Bush:

In an ad titled "Betrayal of Trust" released this morning, MoveOn has scripted a fairly rudimentary commercial that flashes "130,000" several times to reflect the number of troops that will still be in Iraq next summer under Bush's redeployment plan.

“He’s given us a sham draw-down plan," said MoveOn spokeswoman Nita Chaudhary. "30,000 troops by next July is not a plan to end the war. "

Considering the fact that Bush never said he was going to "end the war" or anything close to that, the Moveon spokesperson is, of course, being disingenuous. Or lying outright. Beyond that, this is pretty tame stuff for Moveon so perhaps Bush should complain that Petraeus got a bigger smear job than he did.

If this keeps up, I have absolutely no doubt that between now and the election in 2008, Moveon will really stick its foot in it somehow, creating an ad so far beyond reasonable, rational discourse that it will cause even their most fervent political supporters to run for cover.

They just might be the Republican's best bet for victory.

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