New York Times: Iranian Apologists

The Jackson-Vanik Amendment led to the freedom of hundreds of thousands of Jews (sadly, Representative Charles Vanik just passed away ). Economic problems-worsened by trading restrictions-helped to bring about the downfall of the Soviet Union and the release of European nations from the grip of the Soviet Union. Aid to reformers in Eastern Europe and Russia also helped lift the yoke of tyranny.

Nevertheless. somehow the NYT believes that sanctions and other economic pressures against Iran are strengthening the tyrants of Tehran. In a front-page article to run Wednesday, the NYT features an article whose guiding principle is that the pressures exerted by America
should be halted.

The NYT continues its campaign on behalf of Iran: a campaign that has featured op-eds asking America to stop helping reformers in Iran. The only NYT editorial that has advocated on behalf of energy companies-by bemoaning sanctions on energy companies that do business with Iran, and a series of editorials castigating the current Administration for "bullying Iran" show where the Times head is at when it comes to the mad mullahs in Tehran.

Hmm...what is Iran doing when it arms Hamas and Hezbollah, and supports the killing of Americans and Iraqis (as well as Israelis, Argentineans, Kurds, etc..)? For years, the New York Times has , in effect, lobbied for Iran

See also the New York Times and Iran:
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