Rudy Web Ad Blasts Hillary

Rudy Giuliani has seen his support in the polls turn south this week thanks largely to the entrance of Fred Thompson into the race for President.

But hot on the heels of a full page ad the Giuliani campaign placed in the New York Times defending General Petraeus from the Moveon smear, the former New York City mayor has released an ad on the internet that savages Hillary Clinton for not denouncing the Moveon piece while saying that one must "suspend belief" in order to
believe the General:

Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani launched his first Internet ad on Friday, an attack on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.

Called "She Changed," it links Sen. Clinton of New York with a controversial newspaper ad by the left-leaning group

It also accuses her of changing positions on the Iraq war between 2002 and today. It includes footage of her at the recent Senate Armed Services Committee hearing with Army Gen. David Petraeus, whom MoveOn labelled "General Betray Us" in an ad on Monday that drew heated criticism from Republicans.
You can view the ad here.

Some observers have accused Giuliani of exploiting the controversy over the Moveon ad for his own political benefit and that his motivations are personal rather than making an effort to defend Petraeus. This may be the case. But there is no doubt that many conservatives will be pleased that Rudy has taken on both Hillary and the anti-war left in trying to counter their lies about the war.
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