Shoo, Hsu, Baby (a poem)

With apologies to the Andrews Sisters, Phil Moore and Universal Pictures (unless they're all Democrats)

Editor's Note: "Hsu" is pronounced "shoo"
Shoo, Hsu*, shoo, Baby,
Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Bye, bye, bye, Baby,
Do-dah do-day,
Big Dollar Daddy from across the seas.

You've seen him in Shanghai and Beijing too,
And now he's wearin' the Demos' blue,
Hil had a tear in the corner of her eye,
As he said his last goodbye.

Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Bye, bye, bye, Baby,
Do-dah do-day,
Big Dollar Daddy now coppin' pleas.
Now don't you get silly,

Don't you sigh, Willy,

Bye, bye, bye, Hilly,

Do-dah do-day,

When you're elected we'll do as we please.

Seems kinda tough now,
To say goodbye this way,
But Daddy's life's rough now,
So that he can be sweet to you another day.

Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Bye, bye, bye, Baby,
Do-dah do-day,
Dollar Daddy's in the ol' deep freeze.

Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Shoo, Hsu, shoo, Baby,
Goodbye, goodbye,
Dollar Daddy's off across the seas, 
To his big Commy Mommy, the Red Chinese.
Russ Vaughn
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