The Sleazy World of George Soros

An excellent editorial in The Examiner today highlights two recent decisions by the FEC that shine a spotlight on election fraud in 2004 by organizations who were largely funded by billionaire George Soros:

In the first verdict, the Federal Election Commission handed Americans Coming Together the third-largest fine ever levied by the agency. The $775,000 fine against ACT followed an FEC investigation that found the group, which was organized for the 2004 campaign with substantial funding and active encouragement from Soros, spent $70 million of its $137 million budget on “clearly identified federal candidates in a manner that could only be paid for with federal funds.” ACT claimed it spent the money on voter registration drives. The FEC concluded ACT illegally spent the $70 million to support Democratic candidates. A $775,000 fine for a $70 million crime seems a mere pittance, but that’s an issue for another day.

In the second verdict, the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now — better known as ACORN — agreed to pay a $25,000 fine to settle vote fraud charges brought by Washington Secretary of State Sam Reed. ACORN employees were supposed to help eligible voters fill out their registration cards, but instead were submitting cards with false names like that of former boxing champion Leon Spinks. Reed called ACORN’s actions “the largest case of voter registration fraud in the state’s history.” Again, the fine seems paltry given the seriousness of the crime, but at least ACORN, which has received much funding from Soros, was caught and made to pay something.
That ACT judgement is incredible. Seventy million dollars in direct contributions is enough to fund close to 60 individual Congressional races or about 6 Senate races for the Democrats. And they were only fined $775,000? They should go to jail.

The ACORN case is different. Here Democrats carried on their time honored tradition of falsifying registrations so that come election day, they can illegally stuff the ballot box with votes from people who don't exist. Unless you check ID's (that Republicans are accused of being racist or otherwise "intimidating" for doing so), no one will be any the wiser.

Now we have an entirely different scandal with Norman Hsu and his probably bogus army of campaign contributors. It should be interesting to see where the bread crumbs in this particular campaign finance scandal lead to.
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