Bonds for babies

On Just One Minute, the commenters have been having fun with Hillary's proposal that each child born in American be given a $5,000 bond at birth. As is often the case, Cathyf has the best post:

All kidding aside, focus on the word bond. And I'm sure that Clinton does not mean corporate bonds, she means the government variety. A government bond is a particular form of government debt -- the government debt that every child born is liable for.

This is like giving your kid $20 so that the kid can buy you a birthday present -- of course everyone understands that you are paying for your own present. The point about financing your own gift is that it's the thought that counts and your child is still doing the shopping and choosing, etc. This would be more like if the kid then gave you a $20 bill -- no card, no envelope, just the bill -- as the present.

If you really want to give every child born the equivalent of a $5000 bond, reduce the government deficit for the year by $5000 for every child born in that year. Something George Bush seems to already be accomplishing by all those "tax cuts".

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