Brace Yourselves: Al Gore in line to win Nobel Peace Prize

Hold on to your stomachs and grab your Pepto-Bismal; Al Gore may very well win the Nobel Peace Prize when it is announced on Friday:

Gore, a former American vice-president and failed presidential candidate, has reinvented himself as the “Goracle” with a rock star following after presenting last year’s Oscar-winning documentary An Inconvenient Truth, about the dangers of climate change.

He was nominated for the Nobel prize jointly with Sheila Watt-Cloutier, a Canadian Inuit activist who has campaigned about the effect of climate change on Arctic peoples. “A prerequisite for winning the Nobel peace prize is making a difference and Al Gore has made a difference,” said Boerge Brende, a former Norwegian environment minister who nominated Gore and Watt-Cloutier.

“I think they are likely winners this year,” said Stein Toennesson, director of Oslo’s International Peace Research Institute. The winner will receive $1.5m (£750,000) in prize money.
It is incomprehensible that the Nobel Committee could award the prize to Gore whose film An Inconvenient Truth has been widely debunked, even by scientists who support his theories on global warming. Couple that with his out of control rhetoric that most reputable scientists have asked him to tone down and what you have is a politician in a clown suit trying to scare people into making drastic changes in economic activity.

For at bottom, it is not climate change Gore and others are warning against. It is their anti-capitalist, anti-western agenda of "remedies" that they are promoting.

Given that the Nobel Committee has named virulent anti-Americans for the Peace Prize these last few years, one can legitimately ask whether Gore fits that mold. The fact is, his prescriptions to stave off "disaster" would have the effect of ruining the American economy, American competitiveness, and impoverishing millions.

If he's not anti-American, it's plain that he's extraordinarily ignorant. But we knew that already thanks to his performance as Vice President and as Presidential candidate.
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