Obama: Party like its 1972

For a while there I was getting concerned about the Democratic party. The way some of them were talking about being in Iraq until 2013, I was almost hearing something approaching sanity coming from the party with regards to foreign policy.

Thankfully, Senator Barack Obama has now come along and put the party back on track, advocating a path to unilaterial disarmament:

Senator Barack Obama will propose on Tuesday setting a goal of eliminating all nuclear weapons in the world, saying the United States should greatly reduce its stockpiles to lower the threat of nuclear terrorism, aides say. 

In a speech at DePaul University in Chicago, Mr. Obama will add his voice to a plan endorsed earlier this year by a bipartisan group of former government officials from the cold war era who say the United States must begin building a global consensus to reverse a reliance on nuclear weapons that have become “increasingly hazardous and decreasingly effective.”...

If elected, Mr. Obama plans to say, he will lead a global effort to secure nuclear weapons and material at vulnerable sites within four years. He also will pledge to end production of fissile material for weapons, agree not to build new weapons and remove any remaining nuclear weapons from hair-trigger alert.
Yes, yes I know this is a bi-partisan proposal advanced by some of our old wise men in defense and foreign policy. But Obama won't wait to sign agreements to enact some of this plan - no new nukes (which have a limited shelf life) and especially taking hundreds of missiles off of alert status.

And you can bet the Democratic Congress will have to be physically restrained from going faster and further in disarming than even President Obama. This, after all, is a dream come true for them; getting rid of nuclear weapons so that the only people who have them are terrorists and terrorist states. That should work out great.

None of this should surprise us in the slightest. The Democrats never met a weapons system they didn't try to kill and that goes double for nuclear weapons. What happens to such long standing doctrines as Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is unkown. Especially since we're told by these same folks that Iran or North Korea will never attack us because they fear our retaliatory response.

This is more like the Democratic party we've come to know over the years; a suicidal predeliction for high sounding slogans and empty rhetoric when it comes to defending the country. Thank you, Senator Obama, for reminding us.


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