The contest for the Hispanic vote

Anyone with a pulse realizes that Hispanics are the fastest-growing voting bloc in American politics. I think that the GOP does have a shot at garnering strong support based on  social and economic issues. Those Hispanics who legally vote are likely to be interested seeing that their hard work gets rewarded, and embrace family values, for example. In California, where I live, there is an ongoing explosion of entrepreneurial activity. And the extraordinarily proud record of Mexican-Americans in the United States Military speaks volumes about values.

To my regret, the Republicans so far do not seem to have much wit in figuring out how to appeal to Hispanics.

For insight on the coming battle, one site to watch is the just-launched website La Politica, which takes its charter as following the business of competing for Hispanic voters. The editor is Luis Clemens, who has proven to be an insightful and honest commentator on Hispanic media. I have no idea of Luis' personal politics and I don't really care very much, for he has proven to be an honest pro (and a good guy), interested in getting the facts out.

Check it out.
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