In Cambridge, support for soldiers is pro war

Cambridge, Massachusetts, home of Harvard and MIT, lived down to its reputation of liberal closed mindedness when Boy Scout collection boxes for troops in Iraq were ordered removed from polling places.  And the reason?

Marsha Weinerman, executive director of the city's Election Commission, said the boxes were removed after a resident complained to commission workers about their implied "pro-war" message.

"We contacted the law department, and it was determined that the best course of action would be to remove the boxes," Weinerman said. (snip)

Weinerman cited a law that prohibits political messages near any polling station in an election. But state law prohibits political messages pertaining to a particular election within 150 feet of any polling station, according to a spokesperson for Secretary of State William Galvin's office. There is no law stopping someone from promoting an unrelated political message within 150 feet of any polling place.
This of course begs the question: since when is voluntarily donating articles for soldiers considered "pro war" or even a political message rather than being seen as an act of gratitude to those who are serving our country? 

Perhaps when people live in such places as Cambridge.

The left constantly tells us that it, too, supports the soldiers. But now a liberal bastion tells us that supporting the soldiers is a political act. 
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