Syrian Spy Prouty Married to Foreign Service Officer

Now, not only are the CIA and FBI tarnished badly by the Prouty matter, a woman working for both agencies with access to top secret information and quite obviously spying for the Syrians -- no matter how much the government tries to pretend otherwise.

Today's New York Post
reports :
November 18, 2007 -- FBI fraudster Nada Nadim Prouty not only used a sham marriage to get jobs with access to secret terrorist intelligence - her current husband is a State Department employee who has held sensitive posts in Middle Eastern embassies, The Post has learned.

Her third hubby, Gordon Prouty, 40, now works for the State Department in Washington, a spokesman confirmed Friday night. He had been stationed at American embassies in Egypt and Pakistan.

A Justice Department spokesman, Dean Boyd, refused to comment on Gordon Prouty's job, or say whether he was under investigation along with his criminal wife.
h/t: Laurie Mylroie
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