More Surrendering from the Surrender Party

Not being able to find anyone in Iraq to surrender to, the Democrats have decided to throw up their arms and give up in Congress. Michelle Malkin has the details:

Well, well, well. After all that Doing It For The Children hyperventilation, after all the finger-pointing and foot-stomping, after all the kiddie human shield-waving, after all the teeth-gnashing vows not to surrender on their massive S-CHIP entitlement expansion, the Democrat have, yes, surrendered.


You will remember that Harry Reid and the desperate, Do-Nothing Democrats blamed the Republicans for obstructing funding for The Children. They attempted to tie S-CHIP funding to war funding. Then they planned to tie it to next year’s election.

Now, they’ve decided to just give up and do what the Republicans proposed to do all along. Fund it without the massive expansion.
When one considers how the Democrats presented their S-Chip expansion to the American people and then skewered Republicans for opposing it, one must conclude that the Democrats are the most brazenly dishonest bunch of politicians around.

Perhaps this is why
poll numbers for Congress have sunk to record lows.
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