Senate Report: No consensus on global warming

A Senate Report from the Minority on Committee on Environment and Public Works puts the lie to claims that a "scientific consensus" exists on the theory of anthropogenic global warming. Over 400 scientists are cited disputing various elements of the theory.

We are proud that an article by Robert Ellison appearing on American Thinker is among those cited in this landmark report.:

Environmental scientist and flood hydrologist Robert Ellison, an expert on environmental risk assessment, the movement of pollutants through soils, water, and the atmosphere, and hydrology and hydraulics, noted the impact of natural climate factors on warming temperatures. "We have moved into a cool (referring to sea surface temperatures) La Niña Phase of the Pacific Decadal Variation - this should lead to lower global surface temperatures over a couple of decades.  The lack of increase in average surface temperature over a decade certainly suggests that there is some other process in play - it is fitting the pattern of ENSO variation," Ellison wrote to EPW on December 17, 2007. "Superimposed on the alternation of La Niña and El Niño are longer- term variations in the frequency and intensity of El Niño and La Niña. A period of more frequent and intense La Niña between the mid forties and 1975 was followed by more frequent and intense El Niño between 1976 and 1998. The pattern appears in centuries of proxy data - that is in tree and coral rings, sedimentation and rainfall and flood records," Ellison wrote on November 28, 2007 in a commentary titled "ENSO Variation and Global Warming." "Global surface temperatures have a similar trajectory. Falling from 1946 to 1975, rising between 1976 and 1998 and declining since," Ellison explained. "It is difficult to explain how ENSO variations have been neglected by so many for so long. ENSO involves 97% of greenhouse gases. The surface temperature impacts are significant. Note the 0.25 0C difference between 1998 and 2000. ENSO variation goes in both directions. The indications are that ENSO variation added to global surface temperatures between 1976 and 1998. It has been almost 10 years since temperatures peaked in1998. The planet may continue to be cooler over the next few decades as a cool La Niña phase of ENSO emerges," he concluded. (LINK

: Al Gore, a man who seeks to profit from trading "carbon credits" and from "clean energy" has the gall to have a spokesman suggest that oil company funding lies at the roots of skepticism. But mentions only "25 to 30" (gee, doesn't this sound like Joe McCarthy's lists?) as supposedly tainted.

When will he agree to debate the issue?

: Newsweek earlier discredited a critique that warmist opponents are indutry-funded and therefore unreliable.
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