This is priceless! Bill complains about wife's press

Right on the heels of widespread complaints from various members of the national press that they cannot get near Hillary Clinton with spontaneous questions that require spontaneous, substantive answers, along comes hubby Bill to publicly gripe that reporters refuse to cover her. 
When I read this
, I laughed so hard my side split wide open.  If only my health insurance paid for it, I would be on my way to the ER right this minute.
Seriously, get a load of this.  Bill Clinton, imitating his wife's gift for gall, said today:

"During a campaign stop on behalf of his wife, New York Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, the former president said he can't understand why so much of the media coverage of the campaign ignores her experience-and, without naming him, the relative lack of experience of her closest Democratic rival, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama."
Even though he may have a valid point about the purely political thrust of much of the press coverage for all the candidates, I think the man must have missed most of this campaign.  If the candidates welcome the press, the press has demonstrated that they will indeed report the candidates' answers. 
And while he was on the subject of his wife's grand experience, why didn't he explain why the couple themselves are covering up most of that ballyhooed experience?  Her papers are under lock and key!  So how could the press report on them? 
But this is the line that caused my side to split:

"I would pick her and be here if we weren't married," Clinton said. 
He must think the majority of the electorate are dumber than barnyard posts.  Just how many eyes do you think were rolling when he said that? 
The fact that a man, who was the only sitting President to lose his license to practice law for five years for the crime of lying, continues to get anything he says actually recorded, is a remarkable statement about our own gullibility and lack of regard for the truth.
I'm laughing so hard, I may start crying. 
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