A love note from your local Islamist politician

"You filthy idiot. WE ARE HERE TO STAY hahahahahahhahah DROP DEAD."  That's an email by a Dutch Labour Party politician to a constituent.

According to the Dutch news agency NIS News,

"Labour (PvdA) politician Bouchra Ismaili is refusing to resign. She is ignoring requests from her party to step down because she lied about signing a petition of the radical Muslim organisation Hizb Ut Tahrir."  That's the violence-promoting Islamist  party that has been banned in Germany "due to its extremist and anti-Semitic character."

A spokesman for the HUT group named Okay Pala explains their beliefs: "We do not agree with freedom of expression, as we reject democracy ... what you need is a big bomb attack!' 

That's in an interview with the major newspaper De Telegraaf.

What a way to make friends and influence people.

The Labour Party is socialist, of course, and socialists throughout Europe live off the Muslim vote. In London, Labour's Ken Livingstone plays to Pakistani voters by slamming Jews and Israel. Not to mention America. But then, the European Left has been peddling multicultural mythology for the very purpose of importing millions of poor and dependent Muslims. If you disagree with their cynical vote buying, you must be a racist.

Sounds like our Democrats, right?

So the Dutch Labor Party is getting exactly what it bargained for. The trouble is that the rest of the Netherlands is now stuck with an indoctrinated population of Islamic fascists.

Just remember those words, "You filthy idiot. WE ARE HERE TO STAY hahahahahahhahah DROP DEAD." 

Couldn't be clearer than that.

James Lewis blogs at dangeroustimes.wordpress.com/

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