Bill Clinton's Act Wearing thin - with Democrats

Bill and Hillary Clinton are aggressive politicians - no one disputes that. But many believe their primary campaign against Barack Obama has hit an all time low as far as cheap shots, deliberate misrepresentation of an opponent's position, and some would say outright lies.

There are many in the Democratic party who are alarmed at the Clinton tactics, seeing them as divisive and unnecessary. Others believe that at least some of the attacks are attempts to play the race card which would ultimately might cause African Americans to stay home on election day due to a resentment against someone whom many have referred to as "The First Black President."

The Washington Post reports on this growing alarm over the Clinton's take no prisoners campaign:

In Washington, Senate Judiciary Chairman Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.), who endorsed Obama last week, castigated the former president for what he called his "glib cheap shots" at Obama, saying both sides should settle down but placing the blame predominantly on Clinton.

"That's beneath the dignity of a former president," Leahy told reporters, adding: "He is not helping anyone, and certainly not helping the Democratic Party." That concern was also voiced by some neutral Democrats, who said that the former president's aggressive role, along with the couple's harsh approach recently, threatens to divide the party in the general election.
Even Ted Kennedy has talked to the former president, pointing out that if Obama were to win the nomination, he would emerge battered and bruised with much fodder for the GOP to attack him.

It has been a remarkable sight to see the former President of the United States get in the gutter to attack Obama. With his superstar media popularity, he can get instant, loving coverage of his every utterance while being shielded from criticism because of his iconic status in the party.

He will be an extremely formidable weapon for Hillary in a general election.
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