Bill Moyers whitewashes his MLK dirty deeds

The oleaginous Bill Moyers takes to taxpayer-funded airways and cyberspace to celebrate Martin Luther King Day by celebrating his boss President Lyndon Johnson, and Johnson's role in getting the 1965 Civil Rights Bill passed and signed.

The following words from his video essay just stick in my craw:

"Johnson kept his pledge and did the right thing."
What Moyers neglects to mention is that he and LBJ had MLK bugged, to try to get leverage on the Civil Rights Crusader. Fortunately, in a comment, journalist Thomas Lipscomb adds the history Moyers whitewashes (there is no better word for it) in the comments section of Moyers' website.

One expects Bill Moyers constant rewrites of history, but it is a bit much when he decides to whitewash his own and LBJ's dirty tricks at the expense of Martin Luther King on the occasion of Martin Luther King Day.

Respected "60 Minutes" reporter Morley Safer remembers things rather differently than Moyers. Compare the two accounts yourself.
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