Gazans "Staged" Blackouts

The Palestinians who blew up approximately 7 miles of a wall that seperates Egypt from Gaza are, in addition to being experts at killing innocent Israelis, pretty good at imitating P.T. Barnum as well.

In order to garner sympathy for their plight after Israel closed off Gaza to prevent rocket attacks on civilians, the Palestinians put on a show by staging power blackouts, making it appear that they were suffering inhuman treatment at the hands
of the Israelis:

On at least two occasions this week, Hamas staged scenes of darkness as part of its campaign to end the political and economic sanctions against the Gaza Strip, Palestinian journalists said Wednesday.

In the first case, journalists who were invited to cover the Hamas government meeting were surprised to see Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh and his ministers sitting around a table with burning candles.

In the second case on Tuesday, journalists noticed that Hamas legislators who were meeting in Gaza City also sat in front of burning candles.

But some of the journalists noticed that there was actually no need for the candles because both meetings were being held in daylight.
If "a sucker is born every minute" then surely the international press qualifies in that regard. The Palestinians may not be able to run a country but they can sure put on a show when the need arises.
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