Huckabee Raises Rebel Flag Issue in South Carolina

No one was talking about it. No one had even mentioned it. But leave it to Mike Huckabee, whose scorched earth candidacy for President may yet do more damage to the Republican party than anything in recent memory.

Huckabee brought up the Confederate Flag issue despite the fact that the issue had largely been settled in South Carolina when Republicans in the legislature voted to move the Stars and Bars from the statehouse to a confederate war memorial a short distance away.

But Huckabee, who is seeking to polarize conservatives, tried to appeal to those who resent people outside of South Carolina agitating against the flag - even though no such calls have been made recently::

”South Carolina people know true conservatism when they see it.You don’t like people outside the state telling you how you ought to raise your kids, you don’t like people from outside the state telling you what to do with the flag,” Huckabee said during a rally at a Myrtle beach airport hangar. “In fact, if somebody came down to Arkansas and told us what to do with our flag, we’d tell’ em where to put the pole.”
Crass to the last. Seeking to divide rather than unite - that's Huckabee. If he wins in South Carolina it will be because he was successful in pandering to every conservative faction in the state.
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