Just say 'NO' to RINOs

In today's article, Only McCain can beat Obama, Richard Baehr made a case for Senator McCain as the GOP nomination for the President of the United States in 2008, but this writer disagrees.

The word from the trenches is that many Republicans, this writer included, are sick and tired of Democrat-lite candidates or rather, Republicans-in-Name-Only, (RINOs), heading up any tickets for the GOP. Moving to the left is clearly not what Americans really want, as exhibiting by staunch conservative Bobby Jindal's victory in Louisiana. It is time for all Republicans to demand that we move back to what the GOP used to stand for, less government, lower taxes, anti illegal immigration, fiscal responsibility, and a strong military, both offensive and defensive.

John McCain says that he is for a strong America but then unbelievably votes against it, time and again. For example, he voted YES on banning drilling the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (Mar 05) when it's clear that not only can it be done cleanly (Alaskan Pipeline) but that America can begin to take itself off of foreign oil as we strive for alternative energy. But what is odder is that Senator McCain voted to defund renewable and solar energy exploration back in June of 1999 which is the incentive for companies to do research on cleaner fuels for America. Indeed, as of December 2006, McCain received a 17% rating by CAF which indicates that Senator McCain is opposed to US energy independence. Why would anyone vote again that?

Next, Senator McCain is awful fond of banning things, which, as Republicans, we should not be embracing. He voted, in June 2006, on a Constitutional ban on burning the US Flag. As a veteran, I find flag-burning to be obnoxious and disgusting but it is protected under the First Amendment. And speaking of banning things, Senator McCain is also for banning "certain" assault weapons, banning "cheap" guns (whatever they are), and requiring safety locks. (1999-2000). As the GOP, we are not into limiting personal behavior, personal safety, nor infringing on state's rights, which Senator McCain seems more than willing to do. Indeed, Senator McCain is also against an "unfiltered" Internet as he deems that it steals the "innocence" away for America's children. (More Federal interference anyone?) In August of 1999, McCain stated that violent web sites and videos are a problem. True enough but this writer believes that it is the parent's responsibility to raise their children NOT the federal government. Unless of course, Senator McCain thinks it takes a village like Hillary Clinton does. These, however, are the traits of a RINO, or Democrat-lite, not a Republican.

Probably the worst stance that a GOPer would find on Senator McCain is his stance on illegal immigration. In November of 2007, McCain stated that illegal immigrant's are "God's children." That's nice John, but they can be "God's children" in their own nation. Even more stunning is his stance back in October of 2004 wherein he stated that he would like to give everyone in the world an opportunity to live in America! This writer HOPES that he will exclude  free-loaders in that "open-door" policy as we have enough already! As of December 2006, the USBC gives Senator McCain a rating of 18% which means that he is an "open-border" advocate. And in keeping with his wish for the whole world to move here, he's voted YES on things like:

  •  Amnesty.
  •  Allowing illegal aliens to participate in S.S.
  •  No more ballot initiatives AGAINST immigration.
  •  Giving guest workers a path to citizenship.
  •  Allowing MORE foreign workers in the US for "farm work".

Senator McCain states that illegals do the jobs Americans won't do but how can we really know that while the illegals are still here, working those jobs, cheaper than American's can?

In the arena of government, Senator McCain takes a big government stance in some areas while slicing and dicing in others. Unfortunately, his ideas are 180 degree out from what a real Republican would shoot for. He is of course, against term limits, claiming that term limits will get rid of the good along with the bad, which is of course, pure hogwash. It prevents the development of corrupt career politicians and encourages action not blathering and dithering, all of which are rife on The Hill. In September of 1998, while Bill Clinton was destroying the US military, Senator McCain was also calling for a reduction in governmental scope and size...including the US military. That is not what a true Reagan Republican would want. Moreover, if McCain wanted to downsize the Federal government, then why would he want to Federalize aviation security, which, when compared to private security, consistently underperforms while overcharging and unionizing?

It appears that Senator McCain is somewhat confused about the traits of a Republican when, for example, in 1994 he voted to end the Vietnam embargo, voted for normal trade relations with Vietnam in 2001, yet votes to maintain the Cuban Embargo, which in reality, is a joke. Even more odd is his position that America should overthrow "rogue" governments in order to keep America safe (2000) yet he calls waterboarding torture, even though no physical harm is done. McCain also thinks that we should consult LAWYERS on war decisions (2007) so that we don't go to war "half-cocked". Now THAT is a joke. He wants to close Gitmo, apparently sending the terrorists back where they came from to fight against us again but he calls for the US to indict Castro! Yet back in September of 2006, McCain voted NO to compel the CIA to provide written reports the interrogation methods of the detainees. Also, he voted NO back in July 2005, to restrict US business with entities linked to terrorism. It simply does not add up the way Senator McCain thinks and this essay does not even take him to task for that horrid McCain/Feingold Act, again, limiting freedom.

Let's examine a few more of Senator McCain's votes which stray far from the Republican plantation.

  •  Voted YES on setting aside 10% of highway funds for minorities & women. (Mar 1998)
  •  Voted NO on ending special funding for minority & women-owned business. (Oct 1997)
  •  Regulate nicotine as a drug. (Jul 1998)
  •  Remove charitable deduction; it only benefits rich. (Jan 2000)
  •  Middle-class tax cut: expand 15% tax bracket. (Jan 2000)
What this writer finds the most disturbing is that McCain promises a middle-class tax cut but wants to expand the 15% tax bracket where many middle-class Americans fall smack into! Also, removing the charitable deduction does not just help the rich, it helps millions of Americans, including this writer, who give freely to charities across the land to get a little back for donating. Why would a Republican want to remove that? The answer is a real Republican would not.

Senator McCain, as we have seen above, is NOT a Republican and should not, in any way, shape, or form, be on the 2008 Republican ticket. He is an open border advocate as is Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and George Soros! He has fought against term limits, one of the issues that millions of Americans want and demand, as well as fighting against our dependence on foreign oil! Senator McCain's stance on the issues is typically like a Democrat's; that is, any which way the wind blows. It is high-time that Republicans stood up and demanded that we get candidates who uphold our Party's platform. If not, then we can either sit at home or write in the only real conservative on the ticket, Fred Thompson's name, in disgust over the RINOs (Romney, Giuliani, and McCain). Maybe the GOP needs a tour out in the wilderness in order to produce another Reagan. But in any event, this writer, and probably many more Americans won't be voting for a RINO in November so to the RNC, here is a helpful hint: "reexamine who you put forth on the ticket, unless wandering in the wilderness is something you enjoy."

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