Leftist Group to Target Lame Duck President

I did a double take when reading this one:

A liberal advocacy group plans to spend $8.5 million in a drive to make sure President Bush's public approval doesn't improve as his days in the White House come to an end.

Americans United for Change plans to undertake a yearlong campaign, spending the bulk of the money on advertising, to keep public attention on what the group says are the failures of the Bush administration, including the war in Iraq, the response to Hurricane Katrina, and the current mortgage crisis.

In selling the plan to fundraisers, the group has argued that support for President Reagan was at a low of 42 percent in 1987 but climbed to 63 percent before he left office. "All of a sudden he became a rallying cry for conservatives and their ideology," said Brad Woodhouse, president of the group. "Progressives are still living with that."
Bush is not running for office. To spend $8 million or more simply to try and keep his approval rating down is a remarkable testament to the sheer, unbalanced hatred the left has for this president.

One grows concerned for the mental health of these people. Perhaps shock treatment or even a lobotomy would help. Otherwise, if Republicans were to win in November, the suicide rate in this country would shoot up precipitously.

I recommend a long rest out in the country some where. Perhaps they could lie on the beach in Cuba for a year. I'm sure Fidel would welcome them with open arms.
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