Not so fast

Yet another media embarrassment, as the unstoppable wave of support for Obama turned out to be quite stoppable. Despite stories of hundreds of supporters bussed in from New York and Massachusetts to fill the empty rallies in New Hampshire, it appears that Hillary was able to turn out her vote better than Obama.

I suspect that a monumental effort was mounted to get her voters to the polls, and the thinner ranks of the Obama organization couldn't match it. Perhaps lulled by the media's certainty of an Obama sweep, some Obama voters stayed home.

I am delighted that we'll still have Hillary to discuss. I look forward to oppo research on Obama coming out.

I also think the GOP remains fractured, and McCain's victory is not anything approaching a wave that sweep away the others.

We have two bruising races ahead.

I wrote yesterday that I wasn't buying the predictions that Hillary would drop out antyime soon. But I didn't anticipate her bounce back. Perhaps the tearing-up did help humanize her. She appears to have run very well among women, and that might be a factor.

Listening to her victory speech tonight I was reminded of how unpleasant her voice is on the ears. It is simply grating. Especially when she gets excited in front of a crowd. I cannot imagine her as president.
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