Obama 'repudiates' Farrakhan?

The New York Sun is reporting that Barack Obama repudiated the views of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan that were discussed in Richard Cohen's Washington Post column. Cohen's criticism regarding Obama's ties to the Church and the Pastor that gave an award to Farrakhan were reaching a large audience that included potential Democrat voters who might be swayed to withdraw support from Obama.

This statement by Obama is a political maneuver that should be given little credence. Obama is very actively involved in his church; he knew of this award long before Richard Cohen publicized its grant to Farrakhan. Furthermore, Pastor Wright has had a long relationship and alliance with Louis Farrakhan.

Obama did not object to these ties between Pastor Wright and Farrakhan before; nor has Obama rejected the anti-Israel diatribes of Wright. Regardless, Obama adheres to a church and a minister that have long espoused positions inimical to the American-Israel relationship, let alone the trumpeting of black values and racial exclusiveness.

This follows a pattern for Obama: he shows extreme loyalty to a church and pastor whose controversial views eventually become publicized. Then Obama "disappears" the Minister and Obama's campaign (not Obama himself) issues a statement that Obama does not agree with everything that Wright espouses.

He solicits and gains support from the controversial George Soros, a man whose anti-Israel passions and allegations regarding America's Jewish community and Congress are well-known. When these ties become publicized, Obama's campaign (not Obama himself) issues a statement that Obama does not agree with Soros on this topic.

When Obama articulates anti-Israel positions in off-the cuff remarks, his campaign (not Obama himself-stop me if you have heard this before) issues clarifications that attempt to explain away the plain English import of Obama's (the supreme orator) expressed views.

In other words, Obama only disavows when it is politically opportune to do so. He seems to have never objected to these views before they become publicized and create a political firestorm because they belie his image of peace, compassion, unity.

Obama is not a profile in courage and his disavowals are political pabulum.

For a review of Obama's troubling stance toward Israel, see my article today, "Barack Obama and Israel."
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