President Sarkozy's not so private life


While certain segments of the American media and their readers/viewers have been obsessively following the public meltdown of some celebrity types over in France, the media have focused on President Nicolas Sarkozy's recent divorce and new female significant other.  And contrary to the image of France and anything goes romance, the publicity has negatively affected Sarkozy's approval ratings. 
 [A]n opinion poll in the daily Le Parisien, showing a seven-point drop in Sarkozy's approval ratings, mainly because of concern over the economy but in part also because his private life.

Stephane Rozes, head of the CSA polling institute which carried out the survey, told Le Parisien that older voters in particular appeared to have been turned off by coverage of Sarkozy's private life.

"The heavy media exposure of the president's personal life, affecting the function of the president, clearly offends traditional sections of government supporters," he said. "The fall among older people, who we know are attached to traditional values, is significant from this point of view."

 Significant segments of the senior French public have traditional values?  Who knew?
And while Sarkozy and friend traveled to Jordan and Egypt together another Moslem country has decided their relationship is problematic.
Sarkozy is due to pay a state visit to Saudi Arabia next week but on Sunday a Saudi official said Bruni would not be joining him because Islam did not recognize non-matrimonial relationships.

The protocol in Saudi Arabia, which applies an austere form of Islam, allows only married leaders' wives to accompany their husbands on visits to the kingdom.

"Ms Bruni will not be coming to Riyadh for obvious reasons," a Saudi government official said on condition of anonymity. He declined to elaborate.

Yes, the reasons are so obvious even the feminists are silent.   
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