Hooray (for some in) Hollywood!

To help the traumatized and physically injured residents of Sderot, Israel, a small town in southern Israel up against the Gaza Strip where terrorists daily pound the town with rockets, some prominent Hollywood personalities 

including Paula Abdul, Sylvester Stallone and Jon Voight, will be participating Tuesday in a charity and solidarity concert for the rocket-battered town of Sderot in Beverly Hills.

The concert, entitled "Live for Sderot", which will include a performance by Israeli singer Ninet Tayeb and will be attended by Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, will also launch the celebrations of the State of Israel's 60th anniversary in the city.

Guests of honor at this special concert will be a delegation of 10 teenagers from Sderot which were flown to visit Los Angeles and share their experiences of life in Sderot with local American youths.

And what is daily life like in Sderot? Terror and horror combined with the strength, courage and resiliency of the victims as their government ponders the best way to respond.

And meanwhile the Gazans demand an end to an Israeli blockade, claiming it is creating a humanitarian crisis; however they seem to have no problem obtaining all the materials for deadly rockets which they value.

Their choice.
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