In Obama's own words

Blogger William Katz of Urgent Agenda  highlights Obama's own words on national security that provide fodder for a future TV commercial -- for his opponent.

Obama gets substantive, and I don't like what I'm hearing.  I don't think you will, either.  Readers Peter and Mary Jenks alerted me to this Obama statement on national defense, carried by YouTube.

Among other things, Obama talks about slowing development of "future combat systems."  That'll sure scare our enemies.  And he talks about cutting investment in "unproven" missile-defense weapons.  Hey, wait.  Didn't one of those "unproven" missiles shoot down a falling satellite just last week?  Unproven? 

This is bad.  I think this is the real Obama.  Jimmy Carter, your office is waiting.

It's 52 seconds--enough material for a 60 second commercial by a 527
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