Ronald Lauder: foreign policy advisors are important

Controversy rages over Barack Obama's choice of foreign policy advisors, a topic familiar to AT readers.

Today, one of the most prominent supporters of Israel, Ronald Lauder, spoke out on the subject of advisors, on  ShalomTV, a national cable network

Speaking on Shalom TV strictly for himself and not as the head of the WJC, Lauder stresses that for presidential candidates, and even presidents, it "matters very much who the advisors are...."
Other notable statements by Lauder:

"people running for, and becoming, president, are human. And they listen to people whispering into their ears. I know some of these people; I know what they think."

"We always assume that our leaders are all-knowledgeable. They're not. They're very vulnerable. Whoever becomes president--he or she lives in an isolated area, and they only can get information from the people they see. [So,] advisors are critical."

We are gratified that, although he has joined no side, Ronald Lauder believes that the advisors chosen by a candidate, and the advice they would provide, constitute a matter of serious concern for Jewish voters, and all friends of Israel.

Hat tip: Ed Lasky
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