Vets: If They're Not Homicidal or Suicidal, They are Homeless

As part of the never-ending lies about veterans, the media has falsely peddled stories that they are more suicidal and homicidal than those who never served in the military. Now, they are peddling tall tales of the number of homeless vets. Tom Maguire hears a figure of  200,000 and notes that is the total number of vets stretching back to the Spanish- American war:

As I spun the radio dial this morning I caught Don Imus (remember when he used to have a radio presence?) railing about the dire circumstances of veterans in America.  Per Don and Deirdre, one vet in four coming home from Iraq and Afghanistan is homeless - 200,000 altogether.  Deirdre's information was apparently inspired by some recent event involving Judy Woodruff (if I heard that correctly, and who knows?)

Since the 200,000 figure is for all vets stretching back to the Spanish-American War, I am quite sure the Imus' stats are muddled.

As we head into the election, we are getting a plethora of homeless stories--from vets, to ptes  to tent cities waiting for foreclosure refugees to pour in and overwhelm the existing tenants.

Unless a Dem is elected when, hosanna, all will be fed and clothed and housed again.
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