What happened to Hillary's multiculturalism?

In their desperate attempt to derail the Obama juggernaut, the Clinton campaign has circulated a picture of Barrack Obama dressed as an African village elder.

One just wonders what happened to all their multiculturalism. As bona fide liberals, the Hillary people should be celebrating this photo with all the cultural diversity implied therein.

It could not be more paradoxical that the Clintons are trying to sink the historic candidacy of a black man with a picture that shows him going back to his African roots.

Assuming that the photo will turn voters off, the Clintons have insulted not only Obama but also the whole African culture for which the garb he wears stands. This is especially hypocritical of these liberals who so often talk of Africa as a repository of special wisdom.

Now we know what how they really look at it: They think that Obama dressed as an African will somehow demean him in the eyes of Democrat voters. Could anything more cynical come from these shameless purveyors of multiculturalism?

The Clintons owe an apology not only to Obama but also to all people of African descent.
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