Who lost our nuclear warhead advantage?

A new and promising website, the No Free Lunch Journal, examines how the UInited States lost its nuclear warhead design advantage.  If Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee, this issue should be raised in a presidential debate:

...you may want to give a few minutes thought to just how loose Ol' Bill played with the nations nuclear secrets when he was "running" things. After all, Hill and Bill apparently come as pair, fused at the hip and, same as Costco packaging, you can't get just one. So, if Bill does get a third term, even if only a virtual one at that, he will have influence and policy may be tipped in directions he prefers. After all, if Ms. Hillary is elected, we will have sailed into uncharted waters by having an ex-President as the spouse of the current office holder. Who knows what this could lead to?

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