As expected, Medvedev is cruising to victory in Russia

File this one under "Least surprising electoral result in history."

Russia blog, which has been liveblogging the Russian presidential election shows that Vladmir Putin's close ally and ventriloquist dummy Dmitry Medvedev is cruising to
an easy win:

All the polling stations are closed now, and the voting is done.

All that remains is to count the votes. Earlyy figures released by the CEC are pretty much following the polls at the moment. As of now, they’re reporting an easy win for Medvedev (translation here) - as we stand the candidates rank as follows:

64.55% - Dmitry Medvedev

18.85% - Gennady Zyuganov

12.71% - Vladimir Zhirinovsky

1.49% - Andrei Bogdanov

No official turnout yet, but I saw an earlier report (sorry, lost the link) which put it at just under 64%, which I’d imagine will be a (very very) slight disappointment to the Kremlin.

In Chechnya, Medvedev gained a disappointing 90% of the vote (translation here). Disappointing because Putin gained 99% there just four years ago…
There have been the usual mountain of reports indicating fraud but since Putin prevented the presence of international observers in any great numbers, it will be impossible to prove.

Watch now how Putin will be speaking throught Medvedev without even moving his lips - a great performance by a master.
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