Beeb Fakes Story on Terrorist House Demolition

The BBC shows that faking news stories isn't only confined to American and French news networks:

On Friday, March 7, 2008, the BBC’s World News with Jonathan Charles (seen in the U.S. on PBS stations as part of BBC America) aired footage purporting to show the demolition and burning of a house that belongs to the family of Ala Abu Dheim, the terrorist who murdered eight students and wounded nine others in the Mercaz Harav Yeshiva (Rabbinical Seminary) .

Against footage of a bulldozer destroying a burning home, BBC reporter Nick Miles was heard in voiceover proclaiming:

In the hours after the attack, Israeli bulldozers destroyed his [the terrorist’s] family home. Later, his mourners set up Hamas and Islamic Jihad banners nearby.

But, in fact, it hasn't happened! The film clip could not possibly have been of the terrorist’s family home, as it is still standing (as of March 12) and, together with the nearby public mourning tent erected by the family, serves as a shrine dedicated to the "martyred" terrorist.

That such a shrine is still allowed to remain in place has, in fact, prompted public outrage among Israelis and members of Knesset across the political spectrum. On Monday, March 10 – three days after the report aired – Knesset speaker Dalia Itzik (Labor) petitioned the Attorney General to order the demolition of the public tent and the terrorist’s family home.
What is it about the Palestinians that gets the creative juices flowing at western news networks? The French have been dealing with the fake news story by Charles Enderlin of a 12 year old Palestinian boy being killed by Israeli troops. And now this BBC story about the evil Israelis knocking down the poor innocent terrorists house.

Maybe the Islamists don't even have to worry about us buying the rope to hang ourselves. We'll just let the news media do the job for us.
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