No Go on Florida Re-Vote

Florida Democrats thought they had a plan that would allow for a mail in primary thus making it possible for their delegates to be seated at the convention in August.

Alas, the Obama campaign never got on board and Florida Super Delegates in Congress squashed the proposal this morning:

“We are committed to working with the DNC, the Florida State Democratic party, our Democratic leaders in Florida, and our two candidates to reach an expedited solution that ensures our 210 delegates are seated. “Our House delegation is opposed to a mail-in campaign or any redo of any kind.”
What an ungodly tangle. The National Committee won't seat any delegates chosen during the January 29 primary. Florida Democrats are insisting that those delegates be allowed a seat at the convention.

And Hillary, who desperately needs either the delegates already chosen or those that she would win in a revote primary, will almost certainly challenge the national party at the convention itself in the rules Committee. Failing that, she will take it to the floor of convention where we can expect the most entertaining political theater in many years.

Howard Dean better do something quickly. Unless Florida acts before June 6 - the cutoff date for party nominatint contests - the convention will be a bloodbath.
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