Pinnochio time

It would seem  the Democrat frontrunners have forgotten about how easy it is to expose liars. Obama has had to admit he did know about Rev. Crazypants Wright's unusual take on the doctrine of Christian love; Hillary has had to finally admit that she didn't land in Bosnia under sniper fire.

Tom Maguire notes how much earlier the bloggers were to expose this fiction and suggests a question our geniuses in the Fourth Estate might ask as a follow on:
In "this one instance" she said it differently?  And the Times can only find a similar misstatement on Feb 29?  Geez, why do we bother?  This "dodging sniper fire" was in a Newsday story just before New Years and was widely mocked by the Stop Hillary righties at the time (yes, seems like a long time ago).

I still think reporters are missing the real story - Hillary's trip was just a few weeks before Bill Clinton assassinated Ron Brown on a plane in Bosnia, so Hillary probably felt as if she were truly in danger; hence the importance of being escorted by Chelsea and Sheryl Crow.

OK, maybe not.  But breathes there a reporter dumb enough to ask?  That would be an instant YouTube classic.

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