Predictable: Wright's Church cries 'Racism'

I suppose we shouldn't have expected an apology but the virulence with which Reverend Jeremiah Wright's old church goes after the media for reporting the truth of Wright's sermons is a little startling:

The church attended by Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) fought back Sunday against mounting criticism of its pastor, accusing the media of character assassination and “crucifixion.”

Otis Moss II, the current pastor of Trinity United Church of Christ, used his pulpit to defend his congregation and its past minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright Jr., from a wave of controversy stemming from inflammatory statements made by Wright.

"We have listened and watched as the wonderful work of our church has been vilified this week," he told about 3,000 congregants on Palm Sunday morning. "This week should be special for us because I guess we know a little something about crucifixion."

The church also released a statement that began: “Nearly three weeks before the 40th commemorative anniversary of the murder of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., the Reverend Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright Jr.’s character is being assassinated in the public sphere because he has preached a social gospel on behalf of oppressed women, children and men in America and around the globe.”
If he had stuck with a "social gospel," that would have been one thing. But preaching hate of white people and of the United States is something else entirely.

Michelle Malkin nails it:

Race-mongers’ Rule Number One: When exposed, shout “VICTIM” at the top of lungs:

HT: Ed Lasky
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