St. Barack on the Mount: Separation of Church and Reality

As if it weren't bad enough that liberals are always going around finding stuff in the Constitution that isn't there....say, the right to privacy... the left's new golden boy, Saint Barack is positing a "living Bible" to complement the "Living Constitution".

Now it's always a hoot when the party of the ACLU starts banging away from the Bible, as they prove the axiom that nothing is more dangerous than a little information. You just know that the liberals will surely take a nugget out of context and end up stepping deepeth into the pit of ignorance.

But back to Barack Obama, not always the first name that comes to mind along with those of Billy Graham and Mother Teresa when talking Bible. Obama, in a rambling and contradictory and nearly incoherent speech given in Ohio over the weekend said repeatedly that he was "a devout Christian" and that he "prays to Jesus every night."

These were details his website did not feature last week when it highlighted his views of support for the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) community.  Just a few days ago, Saint Barack promised support for "equality in America" for the LGBT community. Equal to what is what I'd like to know. In Obama's very new testament, his   position letter was fairly explicit in supporting same sex unions as the equivalent of marriage... morally and legally.

In a bit of irony that I hate not to take credit for (because HE himself used these words)  he promised  "as use the bully pulpit to urge states to treat same-sex couples with full equality in their family and adoption laws."  Well Amen and pass the plate! You preach it bro. Let's beat the Methodists to the cafeteria.

But at Hocking College, he had traded in the bully pulpit for a more traditional one... and was scrambling around trying to shoehorn his very secular transgender support letter into the Holy Bible.

To his credit, he did not totally back away from his support letter. To his shame, he
passed it off as scriptural to a crowd he knew would not know any better. Democrat primary voters.

"It is a legal right that they should have that is recognized by the state" claimed His Obamaness, adding that "if people find that controversial then I would just refer them to the Sermon on the Mount." And Hussein, not familiar with the commandment that "when in a hole, thou shalt stoppeth digging" .... added that the Sermon on the Mount "is more central (for my faith) than an obscure passage in Romans."

Indeed, we all know that the Apostle Paul is widely known as "the obscure Apostle" and that Romans is a "minor epistle."

Just where he got the inspiration for same sex unions, gay, lesbian and transgender lifestyles from the Sermon on the Mount is beyond me. In my Bible, it appears to be beyond Jesus and Matthew also.  But on a more positive note, this open minded view could be proof positive Obama is not a Muslim. Try finding "tolerance" in a Koranic concordance. (if you have to ask...). 

And on and on, Saint Obama continued to confuse. He stated that "abortion is always a tragic and painfull issue" as he of course indicated that it should "always be kept legal." Indeed, we need all the pain and tragedy we can get.

(And while we're at it, why not the same standard for water boarding? It's not tragic OR painful. OK, a little scary...but we are talking about terrorists, not fetuses).

He further postulated that abortion is an issue to be decided by "women...their pastors, doctors and family" as opposed to "some bureaucrat in Washington." That of course begs the question is this the only decision not to be made by bureaucrats in Washington? And these pastors....will they have his Bible or mine?

And on it went, the high and mighty vapid vapor of Obama mixing in a little misquoted scripture and liberal dogma to an adoring crowd incapable of picking out Washington DC from Washington state. Perhaps I should point Senator Obama to part of that Sermon on the Mount thing he so casually paraphrased. The part about what comes to those who "teach others to do the same (break even the least of these commandments)." You know, from that obscure Jesus and tranlated by even more obscure Matthew.

Hey don't blame me. I wasn't the one who dragged religion into this.

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