Talk radio crisis looms

Some of the most important talk radio outlets in the country face a serious crisis, thanks to a botched buyout of the former ABC/Disney owned stations by Citadel Broadcasting. The Las Vegas-based company, now called Citadel-ABC radio, has seen expenses rise while revenues declined, and is now enforcing draconian layoffs at such stations as WABC in New York, KABC in Los Angeles, WBAP in Dallas, and KSFO in San Francisco.

This morning, it is personal for me, as San Francisco broadcasting legend Melanie Morgan no longer graces the airwaves on KSFO's Morning Show. Melanie is more than a talk show host, she is an  activist who has actually made a difference, time and time again. You could ask former California governor Gray Davis about the recall drive that Melanie launched. Toxic MTBE is no longer poisoning California's water supply, thanks to Melanie's efforts. And Code Pink's Medea Benjamin probably hates Melanie more than she hates President Bush or capitalism, thanks to Melanie's counter-demonstrations.

It won't be long before Melanie is back on the air, I am sure. But in the meantime, she will be missed.

Brian Mulroney, the Radio Equalizer, owns the story of Citadel-ABC's declne. Read his coverage here.

In the meantime, thanks and best regards from American Thinker to our friend Melanie.


Dear Editors,

The impact of the Citadel fiasco is also felt here in the WashDC metro area.
WMAL 630, easily the most promiment AM station, fired talk-show host Chris Core. A staple of the WashDC scene for 30+ years, Chris Core was told of his dismissal AFTER he closed his 0900-1200 show last Friday. No chance to bid his audience farewell. The whole thing was done in very poor form.

Frank Vernet

Bethesda, MD

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