US Airstrike in Somalia Targets Terrorists

The United States bombed a house in Dobley, Somalia hitting a site where terrorists had been holed up:

Three missiles hit Dobley, a town four miles from the Kenyan border, destroying a home and seriously injured eight people, police and witnesses said.
The remnants of an Islamic force that had once ruled much of southern Somalia took over Dobley last week.

"It was a deliberate, precise strike against a known terrorist and his associates," one U.S. military official said in Washington, speaking on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to comment on the record. He gave few other details, except to say the targets were believed staying in building known to be used regularly by terrorist suspects.
Last year, the U.S. shelled suspected al-Qaida targets in Somalia, using gunfire from a U.S. Navy ship off the shore of the east African nation.
The al-Qaeda inspired group Islamic Judges have been making little progress against the Ethiopian backed government troops although they have pockets of strength throughout the country. On again, off again negotiations to end the fighting are currently in limbo.
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