Absolut-ely Ridiculous

Take a look at this map that Absolut Vodka is using in its latest campaign in Mexico and the US:

Now I have an open mind about a lot of things. But somehow, giving California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Oregon, and about 4 other states to Mexico because they don't like a treaty they signed after losing a war 160 years ago seems a little too much in the way of good neighborliness if you ask me.

The word is "reconquista." The open borders crowd tells us that this is a myth, that the issue of "returning" the American southwest and California to Mexico is a straw man set up by anti-immigration forces to scare the voters.

But as you can see, the idea is alive and well south of the border as well as in many Hispanic enclaves here in this country. And now Absolut Vodka has acknowledged the power of this idea by using it in an ad campaign in magazines, billboards, and posters.

I will not fall in to the trap of many open borders advocates and proclaim myself against all immigration from Mexico. I, and most rational people, oppose illegal immigration. Those who enter legally are generally more eager to assimilate, to leave the old country behind thus revealing reconquista the crackpot idea that it is.

Michelle Malkin has a roundup of links about this scandalous ad campaign.

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