Chinese thugs acting as paid provocateurs against Tibet?

Big Lizards blog has some interesting pictures that may show Chinese Communists provoking violence in order to undermine sympathy for Tibet.

The first photo involves a supposed pro-Tibet demonstrator attacking a young woman in a wheelchair who was carrying the Olympic torch through Paris:

Is it possible that our "protester" friend is in fact -- a Chinese agent provacateur? That would require us to believe that the Chinese Communists could be so devious and duplicitous as to commit an atrocity, just to blame it on the Tibetan protesters and arouse retroactive justification for the crackdown by the Chinese paramilitaries we talked about in an earlier post.
Bah. That would just be -- too Clintonian.
The picture shows the same protestor who attacked the wheelchair woman walking to the event with a group sporting the red Chinese flag. Another picture is even more sinister:
This is a group of Chinese soldiers in Tibet. I can't say whether they're in the same paramilitary group as the "jogging-suit Janissaries;" but for some peculiar reason, each of these Chinese soldiers holds in his hands an ersatz Tibetan monk's robe.

Now, far be it from mere bloggers (on either side of the Pacific Rim) to make accusations against the noble fighting men of Red China. But it does occur to us that much of the armed violence committed by China against the Tibetan monks has been justified on the basis that Tibetan monks -- in their robes -- have been "attacking" Chinese civilians in Tibet.

Of course, just because a fellow is caught outside a house at midnight carrying burglary tools doesn't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he is a burglar. But can anyone think of an innocent reason why a company of Chinese soldiers should each have a Tibetan monk's robe, when they are trying to suppress protest by a bunch of robed Tibetan monks?
It is not much of a stretch to imagine the Chinese government carrying out a program like this. We should probably take any pictures we see of Tibetans beating up Chinese civilians with a healthy dose of skepticism.
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