Hate mailbag

Our examination of the aesthetics of the Obama images sold by the campaign itself apparently is responsible for some unusually vicious hate mail. Must be all the hope inspiring these folks.

I say "apparently" because most people who write hate mail don't bother mentioning a specific article. They see a piece from AT on some left wing site and fire off bile on the assumption that we only have one posting a year.

Do you think this is a threat?

klar dogg'n [knows.nightbringer@gmail.com] (at least he has the shame to hide his name)

...for your own good and the sake of your family, try not to spout so much shit. I keep sending Obama money, and he keeps you (a liar) and others eating his dust. Good luck with Hillary.....

Many Obama fans writing us assume we are minions of Hillary, which is almost as amusing as their bile.
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