Jews welcome Hagee

Rabbi Eric Yoffie, speaking at a conference of the liberal Reform rabbinical association of which he is president, urged  attendees and other Jews not to attend events supporting Israel sponsored by Pastor John Hagee.  Most Reform rabbis and their congregants are overwhelmingly liberal; Hagee and his Christian Zionist followers are conservative.  Thus, for Yoffie,  liberalism trumped broad based, diverse, pluralistic and multi cultural support  for beleaguered Israel and Jews. 

Even though Yoffie speaks for a small segment of American Jews he is naturally entitled to his opinion, however he does not speak for the entire community. 

But a truly broad based group of Jewish leaders, including former presidents of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, an umbrella organization as its name implies, countered with a strong public letter of support, endorsing Hagee and his activities. 
Pastor Hagee has been a true friend of Israel for many years. Christians United for Israel is among the strongest supporters of Israel in the United States.

The signers of this letter have been chairmen of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, and we appreciate and respect Pastor Hagee's dedicated efforts and those of Christians United for Israel.

Because the Jewish community is split over whom to support for president, it is good that other diverse voices speak up. 
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